Tuesday 7 August 2012

Horizon: Eat, Fast and Live Longer


Well! I think there are a couple of people at work who completely ignored the fact that I am scientifically educated and told me I was a fruit loop for believing any of the Intermittent Fasting info I had read.

Well, being childish for a moment, Na Na Na! Sometimes when I tell you I know what I am talking about it is because I actually do!

So now you know why I want to lose another 10 - 14lbs before the beginning of September - start of term and they won't have seen me for a few weeks - surprise!

I did say I was being childish. And I am not really sure which part of one particular conversation Td me off most: a young know it all male colleague who told me I was wrong, no matter what I thought I knew, cos he knew better, because he was rude or because he called my intelligence into question! I'm just not used to dealing with rude, self centred people!

So to focus: I can get lighter.... JUDDD is working for me!

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